
Because the love of language goes through the ear

Audiomanija is a production project of the Swiss publishing company "Buchholz Publishing", which produces audio books and podcasts in Serbian for children and young people.

This project is dedicated to all children and young people who are of ex-Yugoslav origin and who are growing up abroad. It should enable them to better understand, learn and deepen their mother tongue or second language.

In the world, audio books have been of great importance in language development for decades. The project should enable te children to better understand, learn and maintain their mother tongue or when their mother tongue becomes their second language. We support parents and their children in success.

Our vision

Your time

You can listen to the audio stories, audiobooks and podcasts on the bus, train and car, as well as while you are walking, shopping or just relaxing. The kids can play with Lego on the kitchen floor and hear a funny story while mom listens to her favorite author while ironing.

Make money yourself

If you like to write stories yourself, but have never dared to really publish one, then you've come to the right place! Children's stories, adventures in the wild or the great outdoors, scary stories or love? We have a lot of space for all of this and we look forward to reading your script. Send us a summary of your story on a maximum of one page and let yourself be surprised how easy this can be!

Your learning success

Our listening stories will help you expand your vocabulary and improve your listening comprehension in a foreign language. If your brain is well trained by listening - and this is the case in multilingual children and adults - then your pronunciation will automatically improve too.

Easy handling

You stream your audio stories straight from the internet. No more CDs or CD players, everything is always on your mobile phone or tablet. You choose whether you want to hear your story on Spotify, Audible or Youtube. Just look for Audiomanija there.

our mission

Speaking multiple languages is a great thing because you can communicate in different countries around the world. But language is not only used for communication, it is also part of our identity. It shows who we are, how we think, act and react. Because language is always associated with certain cultures and ways of life, it is very important that we master it as well as possible. We have made it our business to ensure that the Serbian language is learned, cultivated and maintained with multilingual children. Audiomanija was started by two teachers and linguists from Switzerland and is the first project that professionally produces audio books and podcasts in Serbian and wants to distribute them online via Audible and Spotify. Audiomania is a gift from parents to all of their multilingual children growing up abroad.


“I'm French and my husband is Serbian and we haven't used audiobooks before, but now we've moved to London and our four year old is growing up here. I'm afraid that three languages will overwhelm him. That is why I will now include children's audiobooks from Audiomanija to promote passive language understanding in him. I am looking forward to!"
Danielle Mirkovic, London
“It would be very good if audio books in Serbian were represented as well as possible. I myself grew up abroad and today it is difficult for me to speak Serbian without any problems, because at home I only spoke Serbian with my parents and in German everywhere else. I have now started Audiomanija online books and I think they are great! ”
Marijan Ivkovic, Vienna
“I am a single mother in Paris with two jobs. I am glad that thanks to Audiomanija I can now also play audiobooks in Serbian to my children, because despite the tiredness I can do something with my children without a guilty conscience that I have not read anything to them in their mother tongue again. "
Tanja Vuckovic, Paris
“It is very important that children listen to books in addition to reading. I think it is necessary, especially since they do not have the opportunity to expand their native language vocabulary because they live in a foreign country. I think Audiomanija is doing a great job! "
Radmila Zivkovic, Zurich
We'd love to hear from you. Write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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